uses packed arrays if possible in the internal representation of expr.
Details and Options
- To use ToPackedArray, you first need to load the Developer Utilities Package using Needs["Developer`"].
- Using ToPackedArray will not change results generated by the Wolfram Language, but can enhance speed of execution and reduce memory usage.
- ToPackedArray is effectively used automatically by many functions that generate large lists.
- ToPackedArray will successfully pack full lists of any depth containing machine‐sized integers and machine‐sized approximate real and complex numbers.
- ToPackedArray[expr,type] will when possible convert entries in expr to be of the specified type.
- Possible types are: Integer, Real, and Complex.
- Only machine‐sized numbers can be stored in packed form.
- The option Tolerance->tol can be used to specify when small numerical values can be ignored in conversion to more restrictive types, and when they must prevent conversion to packed form.