The Wolfram Language can import common terrain elevation files and render them as topographic maps. It can also import geospatial information formats that combine layers of raster, vector, and textual information.

Digital Elevation Formats

"ArcGRID" ESRI topographic data format

"USGSDEM" USGS ASCII DEM digital elevation file (.dem)

"GTOPO30" USGS global topographic data (.dem)

"CDED" Canadian digital elevation data (.dem)

"SDTSDEM" SDTS digital elevation files

"SurferGrid" Surfer geospatial format (.grd)

Geospatial Raster Formats

"GeoTIFF" annotated TIFF raster files (.tif)

Cartographic Formats

"SHP" ESRI shape file format (.shp)

"GeoJSON" geographic data format based on JSON (.geojson)

"SDTS" SDTS DLG spatial data transfer standard

"TIGER" U.S. Census Bureau TIGER/Line format

"KML" Google Earth geographic data format (.kml, .kmz)

"GPX" GPX global positioning data format (.gpx)

Satellite Orbit Data

"SP3" geospatial data format (.sp3)

"TLE" TLE geospatial data format (.tle, .tce)

Common Elements

"Data" array of elevation samples

"Graphics" topographic data rendered as a ReliefPlot

"Rules" rules for all elements

"Elements" all available elements