MathML (.mml)
Background & Context

- MIME type: text/mathml, application/mathml+xml
- MathML mathematical markup language.
- Used for integrating mathematical formulas in web documents.
- Rendering of embedded MathML is supported by a number of browsers and browser additions.
- Specifies the presentation and the semantic content of mathematical formulas.
- XML-based format.
- Based on a draft that was derived from the Wolfram typesetting language.
- Introduced in 1999 and updated in 2003 by the W3C math working group.
Import & Export

- Import["file.mml"] imports a MathML file and returns a box expression.
- Export["file.mml",expr] exports an arbitrary expression to MathML.
- Import["file.mml"] reads the MathML presentation elements from a file and converts them to the corresponding Wolfram Language box expression.
- Import["file.mml","Expression"] converts MathML to a Wolfram Language expression using TraditionalForm interpretation rules.
- Export["file.mml",expr] converts a box expression or an arbitrary Wolfram Language expression to MathML.
- When exporting an arbitrary mathematical expression, its presentation and its context are represented in the resulting MathML.
- Import["file.mml",elem] imports the specified element from a MathML file.
- Import["file.mml",{{elem1,elem2,…}}] imports multiple elements.
- The import format can be specified with Import["file", "MathML"] or Import["file",{"MathML",elem,…}].
- Export["file.mml",expr, elem] creates a MathML file by treating expr as specifying element elem.
- Export["file.mml",{expr1,expr2,…},{{elem1,elem2,…}}] treats each expri as specifying the corresponding elemi.
- Export["file.mml",expr,opt1->val1,…] exports expr with the specified option elements taken to have the specified values.
- Export["file.mml",{elem1->expr1,elem2->expr2,…},"Rules"] uses rules to specify the elements to be exported.
- The export format can be explicitly specified in the form Export["file",expr,"MathML"] or Export["file",expr,{"MathML",elems}].
- See the following reference pages for full general information:
Import, Export import from or export to a file CloudImport, CloudExport import from or export to a cloud object ImportString, ExportString import from or export to a string ImportByteArray, ExportByteArray import from or export to a byte array
Import Elements

- General Import elements:
"Elements" list of elements and options available in this file "Summary" summary of the file "Rules" list of rules for all available elements - Data representation elements:
"Boxes" MathML typeset as a Wolfram Language box expression "Expression" arbitrary Wolfram Language expression "HeldExpression" unevaluated expression "XMLObject" MathML as a symbolic XML expression "XMLElement" nested XMLElement objects - Import and Export use the "Boxes" element by default.

- Export options:
"Annotations" {} which annotations to include "Presentation" True whether to export MathML presentation elements "Content" False whether to export MathML content elements - The setting for "Annotations" is a list which may include any number of the choices "DocumentHeader", "XMLDeclaration", and "DOCTYPEDeclaration".
Basic Examples (2)
Exporting an arbitrary mathematical expression by default generates presentation MathML:
This creates combined presentation and content MathML:
This generates pure content MathML:
Define and display a Wolfram Language box expression:
Convert it to presentation MathML:
Convert the previous output to a box expression and display it:
Import automatically recognizes the MathML format:
Show the available Import elements: