Wolfram Computation Meets Knowledge

File FormatsSimulation Settings Files (.sim)

Simulation Settings FilesElement Model
Element SimulationElement Options

System Modeler uses a number of different file formats. For a complete list, see the System Modeler File Formats page.

Simulation Settings Files

The simulation settings file (.sim) is used for passing experiment settings, initial values, and parameter values to the simulation. The file is an XML file, and all valid tags are described in this chapter. Attributes that are marked with [read-only] are not meant to be changed by the user; they only convey information about the model. An example file, a simulation settings file for the IntroductoryExamples.HelloWorld model, is shown following.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE simulation SYSTEM "simulation_settings.dtd">
<simulation version="1.0" name="HelloWorld 1" start="0.0" end="10" stepSize="0" outputSteps="2000" tolerance="1e-6" method="dassl" filePath="sme_1400057199_22750.exe" resultFilePath="sme_1400057199_22750.mat">

<model name="IntroductoryExamples.HelloWorld" description="" numOfVariables="2">
<variable name="der(x)" value="1.0" defaultValue="1.0" type="Real" kind="DERIVATIVE" direction="BIDIR" unit="" index="0" description="Derivative of x" equationBound="" protected="false" final="false"/>
<variable name="x" value="1.0" defaultValue="1.0" type="Real" kind="STATE" direction="BIDIR" unit="" index="0" description="" equationBound="" protected="false" final="false"/>
<Option name="Solver">
<OptionValue name="MaxStepSize" value="0">
<OptionValue name="EventHysteresisEpsilon" value="1e-10">
<OptionValue name="EventDetection" value="true">
<OptionValue name="NonLinearSolverTolerance" value="1e-12">
<OptionValue name="MaxNoInternalSteps" value="0">
<Option name="CheckMinMax">
<OptionValue name="enable" value="false">
<Option name="StopAtSteadyState">
<OptionValue name="enable" value="false">
<Option name="SyncWithRealTime">
<OptionValue name="enable" value="false">
<Option name="InputVariableDataFile">
<OptionValue name="FilePath" value="">
<Option name="OutputSettings">
<OptionValue name="StoreToFile" value="true">
<OptionValue name="StoreStates" value="true">
<OptionValue name="StoreDerivatives" value="true">
<OptionValue name="StoreAlgebraics" value="true">
<OptionValue name="StoreParameters" value="true">
<OptionValue name="StoreConstants" value="false">
<OptionValue name="StoreProtected" value="true">
<OptionValue name="StoreEventPoints" value="true">
<OptionValue name="StoreSimulationLog" value="false">

Element Simulation

The contents of a simulation element should be a model element and optionally an Options element. The attributes of the simulation element describe the basic experiment settings.


Element Model

The contents of the model element should be the number of variable elements specified by the attribute numOfVariables.


Element Variable

The variable element does not have any content; all information is stored as attributes.


Element Options

The Options element should contain one or more Option elements.

Element Option

The Option element should contain one or more OptionValue elements. Valid option names are:


Element OptionValue
