
returns an HTML select tag with the given set of options

returns an HTML select tag with the given set of options, mapping to the corresponding values

sets the default


  • The HTML functions are contained in a package, MSP`HTML`, which is loaded as part of the webMathematica layout.
  • The function HTMLSelect provides a useful way to generate select tags which browsers typically render as a drop-down menu, corresponding to Mathematica's PopupMenu.
  • It is also possible to set selections by using the option SelectedOptions.
  • HTMLSelect takes the following options.
  • SelectedValuesinitial selection based on values
    SelectedOptionsinitial selection based on options
    OptionAttributesattributes to apply to the HTML select tag

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Basic Examples  (1)Basic Examples  (1)

You can demonstrate how the function works by installing and loading the package:

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The function HTMLSelect provides a useful way to generate select tags with webMathematica. It takes a list of the different options and the name to be used when the selection is submitted. Its operation is shown below.

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A typical browser will show this as a dropdown menu:

When an HTML form is submitted using this select, the variable $$arg1 will be set to the value of the selected option. In this example $arg1 will be set to 1 if "voltage" is selected, 2 if "current" is selected, and 3 if "resistance" is selected, according to the value assignments.

By default, the values for the option tags are chosen automatically as numbers from 1 to the number of options. It is also possible to set these with an argument.

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It is also possible to set the initial selection by using the option SelectedOptions. Typically only one option is selected. In this example, the option labeled "b" will be selected.

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The browser will show "b" initially selected:

Selecting the initial option by its value instead of its label can be done with the option SelectedValues.

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If no values are given, the SelectedValues option can use the numerical values.

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