4.3.2 Bipolar Junction Transistor
Subcircuit reference for BJT.
Valid values for selector are: GummelPoon, GummelPoonDC, Spice, SpiceDC, SpiceAC, and SpiceNoise. Possible parameters are described below. Please note that the substrate port S is optional.
Large-Signal Model
The analog behavioral model included in the Analog Insydes model library has the following port characteristics:
where B denotes the Base, C the Collector, E the Emitter, and S the Substrate, respectively. The port currents can be expressed in the port variables as follows:
Equivalent schematic for the DC and transient analysis for the vertical bipolar transistor (NPN, PNP)
Equivalent schematic for the DC and transient analysis for the lateral bipolar transistor (LPNP)
The large-signal model includes the following model parameters:
DC related model parameters.
Parasitic resistance related model parameters.
Junction capacitance related model parameters.
Dynamic model parameters.
Temperature related model parameters.
Noise related model parameters.
Miscellaneous model parameters.
The automatic reduction of the model complexity controlled via the global Analog Insydes option ModelLibrary influences the following parameters:
Simplification related model parameters.
Small-Signal Model
Equivalent schematic for the AC analysis for the vertical bipolar transistor (NPN, PNP)
Equivalent schematic for the AC analysis for the lateral bipolar transistor (LPNP)
The small-signal model includes the following model parameters:
Small-signal model parameters.
The automatic reduction of the model complexity controlled via the global Analog Insydes option ModelLibrary influences the following parameters:
Simplification related model parameters.