3.1.2 Circuit
Command structure of Circuit.
With Analog Insydes you can describe electrical circuits and control systems hierarchically in terms of netlists, subcircuit or device model definitions, and model parameter sets. Circuits are defined with the commands Circuit or Netlist. The general syntax for a Circuit object is as follows:
Netlist[top-level netlist with subcircuit references],
Model[subcircuit/model definition],
ModelParameters[model parameters specification],
GlobalParameters[global parameters specification],
See also: Netlist, ModelParameters, GlobalParameters, Model, CircuitEquations, ReadNetlist.
The following is an example for a complete Analog Insydes circuit description including device model and parameter definitions.
Load Analog Insydes.
In[1]:= <<AnalogInsydes`
A complex circuit description.
In[2]:= amplifier = Circuit[ Netlist[ {V0, {VCC, 0}, Symbolic -> {AC->0, _ -> VCC}, Value -> {DC | Transient -> 12}}, {V1, {1, 0}, Symbolic -> V1, Value -> {AC -> 1, DC | Transient -> SinWave[Time, 0.8, 0.01, 1000]}}, {Q1, {2 -> C, 1 -> B, 0 -> E}, Model -> Model[BJT, DEFNPN, Q1], Selector -> Selector[BJT, DEFNPN, Q1], Parameters -> Parameters[BJT, DEFNPN, Q1], GM$ac -> 0.02, RPI$ac -> 5.0*^3, RO$ac -> 1.0*^4}, {RC, {VCC, 2}, Value -> 500, Symbolic -> RC} ], Model[Name -> BJT, Selector -> ACsimple, Scope -> Global, Ports -> {C, B, E}, Parameters -> {gm, Rpi, Ro, GM$ac, RPI$ac, RO$ac}, Definition -> Netlist[ {RPI, {B, E}, Value -> RPI$ac, Symbolic -> Rpi}, {VC, {B, E, C, E}, Value -> GM$ac, Symbolic -> gm}, {RO, {C, E}, Value -> RO$ac, Symbolic -> Ro} ] ], ModelParameters[Name -> DEFNPN, Type -> "NPN", IS -> 1.0*^-16, BF -> 100, BR -> 1, VAF -> 150], GlobalParameters[TEMP -> 300.15, GMIN -> 1.0*^-12] ]