3.10.1 ReadNetlist
Command structure of ReadNetlist.
This function converts a simulator-specific netlist file netfile into an Analog Insydes netlist description. Additionally, the operating-point information can be extracted from a given simulator-specific output file outfile. ReadNetlist then returns a Circuit object which can be used for setting up circuit equations by applying the function CircuitEquations. For more information on the simulator-specific features see Section 3.10.2.
ReadNetlist has the following options:
Options for ReadNetlist.
See also: ReadSimulationData, Simulator, Section 3.10.2.
Options Description
A detailed description of all ReadNetlist options is given below in alphabetical order:
With CharacterMapping -> { -> } the internal character mapping scheme can be modifed. Use this option with caution, because this rule will be applied to each symbol and expression in the netlist. For example CharacterMapping -> {"." -> "$"} will replace all dots (".") into dollar signs ("$"), even if it is a decimal dot like in "1.234", which will lead to a syntax error ("1$234"). This option is useful if your netlist contains e.g. element names including "_" and "$" and which will be ambiguous if the "_" is mapped to a "$". You can use CharacterMapping -> {"_" -> "x"} to avoid this ambiguity.
Some schematic capture tools add a prefix to all element names to make sure that the element type is correct and independent from the actual element name. If KeepPrefix -> False is set, the prefix will be removed. If a Saber netlist is read, the template name is removed.
Use this option with caution. It might cause ambiguous element names.
Locally defined subcircuits must be transformed to a top-level subcircuit with unique names. To generate unique names the value of LevelSeparator -> string is used to separate the different levels of subcircuits. Because these names are never converted to a Mathematica symbol it is possible to specifiy a non-alphanumeric character.
The default is LevelSeparator -> "/".
A netlist can contain calls to further files and libraries. With LibraryPath the search path for these files can be specified.
The default is LibraryPath -> {"."}. The current working directory is set to the directory from the file name specification for netfile (see also the Mathematica command DirectoryName).
This option describes the standard Analog Insydes protocol specification (see Section 3.14.5). The top-level function for the Protocol option is ReadNetlist. The second-level function is ExpandSubcircuits.
ReadNetlist supports the following simulators and file types:
Supported simulators and file types by ReadNetlist.
ReadNetlist appends Simulator -> simulator to the GlobalParameters field of the returned Circuit object. This enables the Analog Insydes models to determine which simulator-specific properties of the models have to be chosen. For more information on the simulator-specific features see Section 3.10.2.
Load Analog Insydes.
In[1]:= <<AnalogInsydes`
Read and convert a PSpice netlist.
In[2]:= netdc = ReadNetlist[ "AnalogInsydes/DemoFiles/Multivibrator.cir", Simulator -> "PSpice"]
Display the netlist.
In[3]:= DisplayForm[netdc]
Read a PSpice netlist including operating-point information.
In[4]:= buffer = ReadNetlist[ "AnalogInsydes/DemoFiles/Buffer.cir", "AnalogInsydes/DemoFiles/Buffer.out", Simulator -> "PSpice"]