3.10.3 ReadSimulationData
Command structure of ReadSimulationData.
ReadSimulationData returns the result according to the Analog Insydes numerical data format described in Section 3.7.1. It consists of lists of rules, where the variables are assigned InterpolatingFunction objects. Note that Analog Insydes supports a multi-dimensional data format.
The return value of ReadSimulationData can be used as first argument to most Analog Insydes graphics functions such as BodePlot or TransientPlot for visualizing the simulation data.
ReadSimulationData has the following options:
Options for ReadSimulationData.
See also: WriteSimulationData, ReadNetlist, BodePlot, TransientPlot, Simulator, Section 3.7.1.
Options Description
With InterpolationOrder -> integer, you can change the interpolation order of the resulting interpolating functions. See the Mathematica object InterpolatingFunction.
The default setting is InterpolationOrder -> 1, which is linear interpolation.
To distinguish between different file formats used by different simulators it is necessary to specify the simulator which generated the data file. Possible values for Simulator are:
Supported simulators and file types by ReadSimulationData.
If file contains multiple data sets like DC and AC analysis results, a key can be given as a second argument to ReadSimulationData to distinguish between these sets ("Eldo" and "PSpice" only):
Simulator-dependent keys for ReadSimulationData.
Please note that the keys may depend on the used simulator version.
The return value has the data format as described in Section 3.7.1. The labels are of type String.
Reading a CSDF file generated with PSpice which contains simulation data from various simulation runs, results in misleading values for SweepParameters.
An Eldo "*.cou" file generated with the Eldo command line option "-dbp" (the default) contains the complex data expressed as magnitude and phase, with "-ri" as real and imaginary values. ReadSimulationData automatically adds the corresponding complex waveforms.
Only Eldo "*.cou" binary files written with big endian machines are supported.
Load Analog Insydes.
In[1]:= <<AnalogInsydes`
Read simulation data from PSpice data file.
In[2]:= data = ReadSimulationData[ "AnalogInsydes/DemoFiles/Multivibrator.txt", Simulator -> "PSpice"]
The data can easily be plotted with TransientPlot.
In[3]:= TransientPlot[data, {"V(4)"[IC], "V(5)"[IC]}, {IC, -0.00018, 0.00012}]
