3.6.9 GetParameters
Command structure of GetParameters.
Given a DAEObject dae, GetParameters returns the list of parameters occuring in the equation system of the object.
Note that GetParameters differs from GetDesignPoint in that it returns only those parameters which appear in the equations of dae. Moreover, it returns a list of symbols, not a list of replacement rules.
See also: GetEquations, GetMatrix, GetVariables, GetRHS, GetDAEOptions, GetDesignPoint.
Load Analog Insydes.
In[1]:= <<AnalogInsydes`
Define netlist description of a simple diode rectifier circuit.
In[2]:= cir = Circuit[ Netlist[ {V0, {1, 0}, Symbolic -> V0, Value -> 2. Sin[10^6 Time]}, {R1, {2, 0}, Symbolic -> R1, Value -> 100.}, {C1, {2, 0}, Symbolic -> C1, Value -> 1.*^-7}, {D1, {1 -> A, 2 -> C}, Model -> "Diode", Selector -> "Spice"} ] ]
Set up DAE system.
In[3]:= dae = CircuitEquations[cir, AnalysisMode -> Transient, ElementValues -> Symbolic]
Return list of parameters occuring in the equations of dae.
In[4]:= GetParameters[dae]