3.6.8 GetRHS
Command structure of GetRHS.
Given a DAEObject dae, GetRHS returns the right-hand side source vector b of the linear equation system stored in the object.
Please note that GetRHS is only valid for AC DAEObjects.
See also: GetEquations, GetMatrix, GetVariables, GetParameters, GetDAEOptions, GetDesignPoint.
Load Analog Insydes.
In[1]:= <<AnalogInsydes`
Define a simple voltage divider netlist.
In[2]:= net = Netlist[ {V0, {1, 0}, V0}, {R1, {1, 2}, R1}, {R2, {2, 0}, R2} ]
Set up AC DAE system.
In[3]:= dae = CircuitEquations[net]
Return vector b.
In[4]:= GetRHS[dae] // MatrixForm