Extrude 3D• Extrude[{point1, point2, ... , pointn}, vector, dist] extrudes the sequence of n - 1 lines between the given points dist units in the direction of vector. • Extrude[bnum, {lpnt1, ... , lpntn}, vector, dist] extrudes the n - 1 lines connecting the local points lpnti located on body bnum. • Extrude returns a list of Mathematica graphics primitives that are functions of mechanism location variables. • The following options can be givens:
• Magnitude->Relative causes the extrusion distance to be equal to the length of vector times dist. • See also: Facet, Revolve. Further Examples Load the Modeler3D package and define a simple model. Here we add a new group of graphics to the help model that uses Extrude to draw some extrusions. The absolute location of the new graphics depends on the rules passed to ShowHelpModel.
Out[8]= |  |
See HelpModel3D.