PointOnCircle2 3D• PointOnCircle2[cnum, point, axis, rad] constrains point to lie on the perimeter of a circle of radius rad, with axis specified by axis. The center of the circle lies at the origin of axis. • PointOnCircle2 constrains two degrees of freedom. • axis may be specified by a Modeler3D Line, Plane, or Axis object. • If a Plane object is used, the circle lies in the plane, centered at the origin of the plane. • PointOnCircle2 is singular if rad becomes equal to zero; use Spherical3. • The first equation constrains point to lie in the plane of the circle, the second equation constrains the distance between point and the origin of axis to be equal to rad. • See also: PointOnLine2, PointOnPlanes2, SetConstraints, SysCon.