PrincipalAxes 3D• PrincipalAxes[{Ixx, Iyy, Izz, Ixy, Iyz, Izx}] returns the list {{I1, I2, I3}, {axis1, axis2, axis3}}, where {I1, I2, I3} are the principal moments of inertia and {axis1, axis2, axis3} are the corresponding principal axes of the body represented by the given inertia properties. • {axis1, axis2, axis3} is actually the rotation matrix from the reference frame in which the inertia properties were specified to the principal axes reference frame. • See also: CompositeInertia, GyroFilter, ParallelAxis. Further Examples Load the Modeler3D package. Here are inertia properties transformed from a noncentroidal to centroidal reference frame.
Out[2]= | ![](/applications/mechsystems/FunctionIndex/HTMLImages/PrincipalAxes.en/PrincipalAxes.en_3.gif) |
Here are the principal axes of the resulting inertia properties.
Out[3]= | ![](/applications/mechsystems/FunctionIndex/HTMLImages/PrincipalAxes.en/PrincipalAxes.en_5.gif) |
This rotates the original inertia matrix into the principal frame.
Out[4]= | ![](/applications/mechsystems/FunctionIndex/HTMLImages/PrincipalAxes.en/PrincipalAxes.en_7.gif) |
Here is the result of combining two sets of inertia properties.
Out[5]= | ![](/applications/mechsystems/FunctionIndex/HTMLImages/PrincipalAxes.en/PrincipalAxes.en_9.gif) |