ReferenceDirection 3D• ReferenceDirection[axis] returns the reference direction associated with axis. This is a vector that is not parallel to the direction of axis. • The reference direction of an axis may be explicitly specified with Axis[origin, direction, refdir]. • If direction is specified with Plane[p1, p2, p3] and refdir is unspecified then the reference direction of the axis is Line[p1, p2]. • Reference directions are used by some constraints to control the spin of a body about axis. • Unspecified reference directions are chosen automatically. For example, ReferenceDirection[Axis[{0, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 0}]] returns {0, 1, 0} • See also: Axis, Line, Plane. Further Examples Load the Modeler3D package. The reference direction of an axis can be specified explicitly.
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The reference direction of a plane is the vector from the plane's first to second points.
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Unspecified reference directions are chosen automatically.
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The setting of $MechUseMinimalRotation affects the choice of unspecified reference directions.
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