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TimeInterpolate[expr, {rules1, rules2, ... }] returns an InterpolatingFunction object representing expr as a function of time.
• Each of the rulesi must be a list of rules containing numerical replacements for all of the subexpressions in expr, as well as a rule for the value of time T.

TimeInterpolate accepts the InterpolationOrder option.
• If higher-order (velocity or acceleration) terms are included in the rulesi, TimeInterpolate automatically calculates the time derivatives of expr and uses the values of the higher-order terms supplied in rulesi to produce a higher-order InterpolatingFunction.
• The default option InterpolationOrder->Automatic is equivalent to three for zeroth- and first-order data and five for second-order data.
• See also: Interpolation, SolveMech.

Further Examples

Load the Modeler2D package and define a simple model.

SolveMech is used to get a nested list of rules giving the value of time, and the value of all the variables in the model.

Here is an expression to be interpolated that depends on the generated rules.

Here is an InterpolatingFunction representing the value of dst as a function of time.
