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TimeSwitch[cnum, con0, time1, con1, ... , timen, conn] can be used in place of a single constraint supplied to SetConstraints. TimeSwitch applies coni if timei < T < time(i+1). The first and last constraints are applied when T < time1 or T >timen.
TimeSwitch[load0, time1, load1, ... , timen, loadn] can be used in place of a single forcing function supplied to SetLoads. TimeSwitch applies loadi if timei < T < time(i+1). The first and last loadi are applied when T < time1 or T > timen.

• The timei must evaluate to numbers in ascending order.
• When used with load objects, if a time0 precedes load0 then no load is applied by the TimeSwitch before time0.
• Similarly, if a time(n+1) comes after loadn, then no load is applied after time(n+1).
• See also:
Constraint, Load, StageSwitch.