2.4.3 Initial GuessesSetGuess serves both as an option for several Mech functions, and as a function for temporarily setting a model's initial guesses. Various methods of setting initial guesses. A SolveMech utility. To advance the position for the model in large steps, it is sometimes necessary to specify a better initial guess than the current one. For example, to turn the crankshaft 3/4 of a turn at once, it might be necessary to set a new initial guess for 2 and Y3, the angular coordinate of the crankshaft and the height of the piston, respectively. This runs the model at its initial position.
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This sets new guesses for 2 and Y3.
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This runs the model at 3/4 turn of the crank.
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If SetConstraints were to be run at this time with the default options, the initial guesses would remain at their current values, and . The SetGuess option resets the guesses to their defaults. The SetGuess option resets the initial guesses. This shows the current guesses.
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