9.5.3 Multiple ParametersIf multiple symbols are passed to SetSensitivity, SolveSensitivity returns a nested list of solutions, one for each symbol. Here a SensitivitySystem object is built and solved with three parameters. Here is the sensitivity of the slider location to variations in each of the parameters.
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To plot the sensitivity of the slider location to changes in these three parameters, a set of solutions at several operating points is generated and used as initial conditions for SolveSensitivity. This resets the initial guesses and seeks 25 solution points through a full turn of the crank. Now SolveSensitivity is applied with each of the position solutions serving as an initial condition. Here is a plot of the sensitivities.
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Note that the sensitivities are rather large near 3/4 turn of the crank. This is to be expected with a quick-return mechanism because of the high leverage ratio between the crank and the slider during the return stoke. The largest negative sensitivity is the sensitivity to the X coordinate of the drive arm rotational axis drivex, when the crank is at 3/4 turn. Here is the quick-return mechanism at 3/4 turn of the crank.