MLENV (C Function)
MLENV has been replaced by WSENV.
is a MathLink type representing a MathLink library environment.

- The MathLink environment object stores the global state of MathLink during the execution of a program.
- MLENV is defined in the file mathlink.h, which should be included in the source code for any MathLink-compatible program.
- MLENV objects are created by the MLInitialize() function and deallocated by the MLDeinitialize() function.
- Each MathLink program must create a MLENV object before accessing any other MathLink functionality.
- MLENV is declared in the MathLink header file mathlink.h.
Basic Examples (1)
#include "mathlink.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv)
MLENV env;
MLINK link;
int error;
env = MLInitialize((MLEnvironmentParameter)0);
if(env == (MLENV)0)
{ /* unable to initialize the MathLink environment */ }
link = MLOpenArgcArgv(env, argc, argv, &error);
if(link == (MLINK)0 || error != MLEOK)
{ /* unable to create the link */ }
/* ... */
return 0;