Permutations — list permutations of a set of integers
Permute — permute a list given a permutation
SignaturePermutation — sign or parity of a permutation
IdentityPermutation — identity permutation of a given size
PermutationQ ▪ LexicographicPermutations ▪ MinimumChangePermutations
NextPermutation — next permutation in lexicographic ordering
RankPermutation — associate a permutation with a unique rank
InversePermutation ▪ UnrankPermutation ▪ RandomPermutation ▪ Josephus
PermutationType — type of a permutation
PermutationGraph — graph for a permutation
NumberOfPermutationsByType ▪ NumberOfPermutationsByCycles
SelectionSort — sort a list given an ordering function
BinarySearch — search a sorted list for a key
RandomHeap — construct a random heap
ToInversionVector — inversion vector of a permutation
Inversions — number of inversions
Index — index of a permutation
FromInversionVector ▪ Runs ▪ Eulerian
Involutions — list permutations with cycles of length at most 2
Derangements — list permutations leaving no element untouched
InvolutionQ ▪ NumberOfInvolutions ▪ DerangementQ ▪ NumberOfDerangements