PolyhedronData has been added to the built-in Mathematica kernel.
A new Polyhedron Operations Package has been created.
New system function
PolyhedronData has basic information about named polyhedra:
Version 5.2
Get the list of coordinates for the vertices of an octahedron:
Version 5.2
Many functions from Graphics`Polyhedra` are now found in the Polyhedron Operations Package:
Stellate Geodesate Truncate OpenTruncate
Generate a stellated octahedron:
Version 5.2
GreatDodecahedron, GreatIcosahedron, GreatStellatedDodecahedron, Polyhedra, and SmallStellatedDodecahedron were available in previous versions of Mathematica and are now available on the web at