Distributions defined in this package have been added to the built-in Mathematica kernel.
Random and RandomArray are replaced by RandomReal.
Distributions related to the univariate normal distribution are now part of the built‐in Mathematica kernel:
Version 5.2
![<< Statistics`NormalDistribution`;
Mean[NormalDistribution[\[Mu], \[Sigma]]]](Files/NormalDistribution.en/legacy_1.gif)
Random elements for continuous distributions are generated via RandomReal:
Version 5.2
![<< Statistics`NormalDistribution`;
Random[FRatioDistribution[5, 10]]](Files/NormalDistribution.en/legacy_2.gif)
Version 5.2
![<< Statistics`NormalDistribution`;
RandomArray[FRatioDistribution[5, 10], 5]](Files/NormalDistribution.en/legacy_3.gif)
PercentagePoint was available in an add-on package in previous versions of Mathematica and is now available on the web at