IKernelLinkAbortEvaluation Method
Sends a request to the kernel to abort the current evaluation.
Namespace: Wolfram.NETLinkAssembly: Wolfram.NETLink (in Wolfram.NETLink.dll) Version:
abstract AbortEvaluation : unit -> unit
This method is typically called from a different thread than the one that is performing
the computation. That "computation" thread is typically blocking in WaitForAnswer or some
other method that is waiting for the result to arrive from the Wolfram Language. If you want to
abort the computation so that the main thread does not have to continue waiting, you
can call AbortEvaluation on some other thread (perhaps in response to some user action
like clicking an "abort" button). The Wolfram Language computation will terminate and return the symbol $Aborted.
Be aware that the Wolfram session is not always in a state where it is receptive to abort requests. A quick
return of $Aborted is not always guaranteed.
What this method does is simply use
PutMessage to send a MathLinkMessage.Abort to the
kernel. It is provided as a convenience to shield programmers from such low-level details.