IKernelLink Interface

The link interface that most programmers will use.


Namespace: Wolfram.NETLink
Assembly: Wolfram.NETLink (in Wolfram.NETLink.dll) Version:
public interface IKernelLink : IMathLink


The IMathLink interface contains low-level methods for reading and writing data. IKernelLink extends the IMathLink interface, adding some higher-level methods that are appropriate on the assumption that the program on the other side of the link is a Wolfram kernel.

An example is the WaitAndDiscardAnswer method, which reads and discards the sequence of packets the kernel will send in the course of a single evaluation.

Most programmers will use links that implement this interface. The actual implementation classes are not documented and are of no concern. You will always interact with link objects via an interface type. Use the MathLinkFactory.CreateKernelLink method to create an IKernelLink.


Here is a simple example program in C#:
using System;
using Wolfram.NETLink;

public class LinkTest {
    public static void Main(String[] args) {

        // This launches the Wolfram kernel:
        IKernelLink ml = MathLinkFactory.CreateKernelLink();

        // Discard the initial InputNamePacket the kernel will send when launched.

        // Now compute 2+2 in several different ways.

        // The easiest way. Send the computation as a string and get the result in a single call:
        string result = ml.EvaluateToOutputForm("2+2", 0);
        Console.WriteLine("2 + 2 = " + result);

        // Use Evaluate() instead of EvaluateToXXX() if you want to read the result as a native type
        // instead of a string.
        int intResult = ml.GetInteger();
        Console.WriteLine("2 + 2 = " + intResult);

        // You can also get down to the metal by using methods from IMathLink:
        ml.PutFunction("EvaluatePacket", 1);
        ml.PutFunction("Plus", 2);
        intResult = ml.GetInteger();
        Console.WriteLine("2 + 2 = " + intResult);

        // Always Close when done:
Here is the same program in Visual Basic .NET:
Imports Wolfram.NETLink

Public Class LinkTest
    Public Shared Sub Main(ByVal args As String())

        ' This launches the Wolfram kernel:
        Dim ml As IKernelLink = MathLinkFactory.CreateKernelLink()

        ' Discard the initial InputNamePacket the kernel will send when launched.

        ' Now compute 2+2 in several different ways.

        ' The easiest way. Send the computation as a string and get the result in a single call:
        Dim result As String = ml.EvaluateToOutputForm("2+2", 0)
        Console.WriteLine("2 + 2 = " & result)

        ' Use Evaluate() instead of EvaluateToXXX() if you want to read the result
        ' as a native type instead of a string.
        Dim intResult As Integer = ml.GetInteger()
        Console.WriteLine("2 + 2 = " & intResult)

        ' You can also get down to the metal by using methods from IMathLink:
        ml.PutFunction("EvaluatePacket", 1)
        ml.PutFunction("Plus", 2)
        intResult = ml.GetInteger()
        Console.WriteLine("2 + 2 = " & intResult)

        'Always Close when done:
     End Sub
End Class


ComplexType Sets or gets the class that you want to map to Wolfram Language Complex numbers.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
Error Gets the current error state for the link.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
ErrorMessage Gets a textual message describing the current error state for the link.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
GraphicsFormat Gets or sets the format in which Wolfram Language graphics will be rendered.
LastError Gets the Exception object that represents any exception detected during the last call of one of the "EvaluateTo" methods (EvaluateToInputForm, EvaluateToOutputForm, EvaluateToImage, EvaluateToImageBytes, EvaluateToTypeset, EvaluateToTypesetBytes).
Name Gets the name of the link.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
Ready Indicates whether the link has data waiting to be read.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
TypesetStandardForm Gets or sets whether images created by the EvaluateToTypeset(String, Int32) method should use Wolfram Language StandardForm (vs. TraditionalForm).
UseFrontEnd Gets or sets whether the Wolfram notebook front end should be used in the background to assist in rendering graphics.
WasInterrupted Tells whether the user has attempted to abort the computation.


AbandonEvaluation Causes any method that is blocking waiting for output from the kernel to return immediately and throw a MathLinkException.
AbortEvaluation Sends a request to the kernel to abort the current evaluation.
BeginManual Informs .NET/Link that your code will be manually sending a result back to the Wolfram Language.
BytesToGet Gives the number of bytes that remain to be read in the element that is currently being read in textual form.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
BytesToPut Gives the number of bytes that remain to be sent in the element that is currently being sent in textual form.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
CheckFunction Reads a function name and argument count and requires that it match the specified function name.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
CheckFunctionWithArgCount Reads a function name and argument count and requires that it match the specified function name and arg count.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
ClearError Clears the link error condition, if possible.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
Close Closes the link.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
Connect Waits for the link to be connected.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
Connect(Int64) Waits for the link to be connected for at most the specified number of milliseconds before throwing a MathLinkException.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
CreateMark Creates a mark at the current point in the incoming MathLink data stream.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
DestroyMark Destroys a mark.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
DeviceInformation A low-level function that retrieves special internal information from the MathLink device.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
EnableObjectReferences Call this method to enable the ability to pass .NET objects "by reference" to the Wolfram Language.
EndPacket Call when you are finished writing the contents of a single packet.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
Evaluate(Expr) Sends an Expr for evaluation.
Evaluate(String) Sends a string of code for evaluation.
EvaluateToImage(Expr, Int32, Int32) Sends the code to evaluate as an Expr.
EvaluateToImage(String, Int32, Int32) Sends the code to evaluate as a string.
EvaluateToImageBytes(Expr, Int32, Int32) Sends the code to evaluate as an Expr.
EvaluateToImageBytes(String, Int32, Int32) Sends the code to evaluate as a string.
EvaluateToInputForm(Expr, Int32) Sends the code to evaluate as an Expr.
EvaluateToInputForm(String, Int32) Sends the code to evaluate as a string.
EvaluateToOutputForm(Expr, Int32) Sends the code to evaluate as an Expr.
EvaluateToOutputForm(String, Int32) Sends the code to evaluate as a string.
EvaluateToTypeset(Expr, Int32) Sends the code to evaluate as an Expr.
EvaluateToTypeset(String, Int32) Sends the code to evaluate as a string.
EvaluateToTypesetBytes(Expr, Int32) Sends the code to evaluate as an Expr.
EvaluateToTypesetBytes(String, Int32) Sends the code to evaluate as a string.
Flush Immediately transmits any data buffered for sending over the link.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
GetArgCount Reads the argument count of an expression being read manually.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
GetArray(Type, Int32) Reads an array and discards information about the heads at each level.
GetArray(Type, Int32, String) Reads an array and records information about the heads at each level.
GetBoolean Reads the Wolfram Language symbols True or False as a bool.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
GetBooleanArray Reads a list as a one-dimensional array of bools.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
GetByteArray Reads a list as a one-dimensional array of bytes.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
GetByteString Reads a Wolfram Language string as an array of bytes.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
GetCharArray Reads a list as a one-dimensional array of chars.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
GetComplex Reads a complex number. This can be an integer, real, or a Wolfram Language expression with head Complex.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
GetComplexArray Reads a list as a one-dimensional array of complex numbers.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
GetData Gets a specified number of bytes in the textual form of the expression currently being read.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
GetDecimal Reads a Wolfram Language integer or real number or integer as a decimal.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
GetDecimalArray Reads a list as a one-dimensional array of decimals.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
GetDouble Reads a Wolfram Language real number or integer as a double.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
GetDoubleArray Reads a list as a one-dimensional array of doubles.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
GetExpr Reads an arbitrary expression from the link and creates an Expr from it.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
GetExpressionType Gives the type of the current element in the expression currently being read. Overrides the IMathLink method by allowing the extra return type ExpressionType.Object.
GetFunction Reads a function name and argument count.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
GetInt16Array Reads a list as a one-dimensional array of shorts.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
GetInt32Array Reads a list as a one-dimensional array of ints.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
GetInt64Array Reads a list as a one-dimensional array of longs.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
GetInteger Reads a Wolfram Language integer as a 32-bit integer.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
GetNextExpressionType Gives the type of the next element in the expression currently being read. Overrides the IMathLink method by allowing the extra return type ExpressionType.Object.
GetObject Reads any single expression off the link and returns an appropriate object. Overrides the IMathLink version to allow you to read NETObject expressions.
GetSingleArray Reads a list as a one-dimensional array of floats.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
GetString Reads a Wolfram Language character string.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
GetStringArray Reads a list as a one-dimensional array of strings.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
GetStringCRLF Reads a Wolfram Language character string and translates newlines into Windows format.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
GetSymbol Reads a Wolfram Language symbol as a string.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
HandlePacket Call this to invoke .NET/Link's internal handling of special packet types.
InterruptEvaluation Sends a request to the kernel to interrupt the current evaluation.
Message Prints the specified message in the user's Wolfram Language session.
NewPacket Discards the current packet, if it has been partially read. Has no effect if the previous packet was fully read.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
NextPacket "Opens" the next packet arriving on the link.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
OnPacketArrived Raises the PacketArrived event.
PeekExpr Creates an Expr from the current expression, but does not drain it off the link.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
Print Prints the specified text in the user's Wolfram Language session.
Put(Boolean) Sends a bool value as the Wolfram Language symbol True or False.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
Put(Decimal) Sends a decimal value as an integer or real.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
Put(Double) Sends a double value.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
Put(Int32) Sends an integer value.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
Put(Int64) Sends a long integer value.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
Put(Object) Sends an object, including strings and arrays. Overrides the IMathLink version to allow you to send objects "by reference" that have no meaningful value representation in the Wolfram Language.
Put(Array, String) Sends an array object. Unlike Put(object), this method lets you specify the heads you want for each dimension.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
PutArgCount Specifies the argument count for a composite expression being sent manually.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
PutData Used for sending elements in so-called "textual" form.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
PutFunction Sends a function name and argument count.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
PutFunctionAndArgs Sends a function name and its arguments.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
PutMessage Sends a low-level MathLink message.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
PutNext Identifies the type of data element that is to be sent next.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
PutReference(Object) Sends the object as its actual runtime type.
PutReference(Object, Type) Sends the object cast as a parent type or interface.
PutSize Specifies the size in bytes of an element being sent in textual form.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
PutSymbol Sends a symbol.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
SeekMark Resets the current position in the incoming MathLink data stream to an earlier point.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
TerminateKernel Sends a request to the kernel to shut down.
TransferExpression Reads a complete expression from the named link and writes it to this link.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
TransferToEndOfLoopbackLink Reads the entire contents of a loopback link and writes it to this link.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
WaitAndDiscardAnswer Reads and discards all packets from a computation, including the result.
WaitForAnswer Reads and discards all packets that arrive up until the packet that contains the result of the computation.


MessageArrived Occurs when a low-level MathLink message arrives.
(Inherited from IMathLink)
PacketArrived Occurs when a MathLink packet arrives.
Yield Occurs periodically when the link is blocking in a reading call.
(Inherited from IMathLink)

See Also