BytesToGet |
Gives the number of bytes that remain to be read in the element that is currently being read in textual form.
BytesToPut |
Gives the number of bytes that remain to be sent in the element that is currently being sent in textual form.
CheckFunction |
Reads a function name and argument count and requires that it match the specified function name.
CheckFunctionWithArgCount |
Reads a function name and argument count and requires that it match the specified function name and arg count.
ClearError |
Clears the link error condition, if possible.
Close |
Closes the link.
Connect |
Waits for the link to be connected.
Connect(Int64) |
Waits for the link to be connected for at most the specified number of milliseconds before throwing a MathLinkException.
CreateMark |
Creates a mark at the current point in the incoming MathLink data stream.
DestroyMark |
Destroys a mark.
DeviceInformation |
A low-level function that retrieves special internal information from the MathLink device.
EndPacket |
Call when you are finished writing the contents of a single packet.
Flush |
Immediately transmits any data buffered for sending over the link.
GetArgCount |
Reads the argument count of an expression being read manually.
GetArray(Type, Int32) |
Reads an array and discards information about the heads at each level.
GetArray(Type, Int32, String) |
Reads an array and records information about the heads at each level.
GetBoolean |
Reads the Wolfram Language symbols True or False as a bool.
GetBooleanArray |
Reads a list as a one-dimensional array of bools.
GetByteArray |
Reads a list as a one-dimensional array of bytes.
GetByteString |
Reads a Wolfram Language string as an array of bytes.
GetCharArray |
Reads a list as a one-dimensional array of chars.
GetComplex |
Reads a complex number. This can be an integer, real, or a Wolfram Language expression with head Complex.
GetComplexArray |
Reads a list as a one-dimensional array of complex numbers.
GetData |
Gets a specified number of bytes in the textual form of the expression currently being read.
GetDecimal |
Reads a Wolfram Language integer or real number or integer as a decimal.
GetDecimalArray |
Reads a list as a one-dimensional array of decimals.
GetDouble |
Reads a Wolfram Language real number or integer as a double.
GetDoubleArray |
Reads a list as a one-dimensional array of doubles.
GetExpr |
Reads an arbitrary expression from the link and creates an Expr from it.
GetExpressionType |
Gives the type of the current element in the expression currently being read.
GetFunction |
Reads a function name and argument count.
GetInt16Array |
Reads a list as a one-dimensional array of shorts.
GetInt32Array |
Reads a list as a one-dimensional array of ints.
GetInt64Array |
Reads a list as a one-dimensional array of longs.
GetInteger |
Reads a Wolfram Language integer as a 32-bit integer.
GetNextExpressionType |
Gives the type of the next element in the expression currently being read.
GetObject |
Reads a single expression off the link and returns an appropriate object.
GetSingleArray |
Reads a list as a one-dimensional array of floats.
GetString |
Reads a Wolfram Language character string.
GetStringArray |
Reads a list as a one-dimensional array of strings.
GetStringCRLF |
Reads a Wolfram Language character string and translates newlines into Windows format.
GetSymbol |
Reads a Wolfram Language symbol as a string.
NewPacket |
Discards the current packet, if it has been partially read. Has no effect if the previous packet was fully read.
NextPacket |
"Opens" the next packet arriving on the link.
PeekExpr |
Creates an Expr from the current expression, but does not drain it off the link.
Put(Boolean) |
Sends a bool value as the Wolfram Language symbol True or False.
Put(Decimal) |
Sends a decimal value as an integer or real.
Put(Double) |
Sends a double value.
Put(Int32) |
Sends an integer value.
Put(Int64) |
Sends a long integer value.
Put(Object) |
Sends an object, including strings and arrays.
Put(Array, String) |
Sends an array object. Unlike Put(object), this method lets you specify the heads you want for each dimension.
PutArgCount |
Specifies the argument count for a composite expression being sent manually.
PutData |
Used for sending elements in so-called "textual" form.
PutFunction |
Sends a function name and argument count.
PutFunctionAndArgs |
Sends a function name and its arguments.
PutMessage |
Sends a low-level MathLink message.
PutNext |
Identifies the type of data element that is to be sent next.
PutSize |
Specifies the size in bytes of an element being sent in textual form.
PutSymbol |
Sends a symbol.
SeekMark |
Resets the current position in the incoming MathLink data stream to an earlier point.
TransferExpression |
Reads a complete expression from the named link and writes it to this link.
TransferToEndOfLoopbackLink |
Reads the entire contents of a loopback link and writes it to this link.