Some of the functionality of the World Plotting Package is now available in CountryData.
is an option for WorldGraphics specified as a pure function that takes two arguments and returns a list, where the arguments are the latitude and longitude of a point, and the list is the x and y coordinates of the projection.
Details and Options
- To use WorldProjection, you first need to load the World Plotting Package using Needs["WorldPlot`"].
- The default is the Equirectangular projection.
- Latitude and longitude are specified in minutes of arc.
- The following projections can be used:
Albers use the Albers projection Equirectangular use the equirectangular projection LambertAzimuthal use the Lambert azimuthal projection LambertCylindrical use the Lambert cylindrical projection Mercator use the Mercator projection Mollweide use the Mollweide projection Orthographic use the orthographic projection Sinusoidal use the sinusoidal projection