finds key features in image and returns their coordinates.
gives the specified property prop for each keypoint.
finds keypoints in frames of video.
Details and Options

- Image keypoints are distinct positions on an image highlighting specific image features such as shape, contrast, orientation. Corresponding keypoints are typically used for aligning images.
- ImageKeypoints[image] finds image keypoints and returns their positions as a list of {{x1,y1},{x2,y2},…}.
- The following properties can be specified:
"Confidence" blob response, given as a positive number "ContrastSign" if the keypoint is lighter than its surroundings,
"Descriptor" keypoint descriptor "Orientation" orientation angle, given in radians "OrientedDescriptor" keypoint-oriented descriptor "PixelPosition" pixel coordinates {x,y} in the range ,
"Position" image coordinates {x,y} in the range ,
"Scale" keypoint scale - ImageKeypoints sorts the results based on the "Confidence" property of the keypoints.
- ImageKeypoints[image,{prop1,prop2,…}] returns multiple properties.
- The feature descriptors returned by ImageKeypoints are numerically robust against translation, rotation, and scale changes.
- The following options can be specified:
KeypointStrength 0 minimum strength of the keypoints Masking All region of interest MaxFeatures All maximum number of keypoints Method "SURF" type of keypoint to return - With a setting MaxFeatures->n, at most n keypoints with largest "Confidence" are returned.
- Possible method settings include:
"AGAST" Adaptive and Generic Accelerated Segment Test "AKAZE" Accelerated KAZE and binary descriptors "BRISK" Binary Robust Invariant Scalable Keypoints "FAST" Features from Accelerated Segment Test "KAZE" nonlinear scale-space detector and descriptor "ORB" FAST detector and Binary Robust Independent Elementary Features (BRIEF) descriptor "SIFT" Scale-Invariant Feature Transform detector and descriptor "RootSIFT" SIFT keypoints with an improved descriptor "SURF" Speeded-Up Robust Features - When a property is not available with a specified method, the corresponding element in the result is set to Missing["NotAvailable"]. »
open allclose allBasic Examples (2)
Scope (10)
Keypoints of a grayscale image:
Return the keypoint descriptor:
Get properties "Position" and "PixelPosition":
The two corresponding coordinate systems are offset by half a pixel:
The scale corresponds to the size of an intrinsic region around the keypoint. Visualize the disc region
around a "SURF" keypoint:
Get the "Orientation" in radians:
Show keypoints with a pattern rotated based on orientation:
Display the distribution of the strength of keypoints in an image:
Get the "Descriptor" representing the distribution of pixel values inside a keypoint's neighborhood:
The descriptor is similar to the one of the rotated image:
The "ConstrastSign" is 1 for keypoints lighter than their surroundings:
The sign is -1 for keypoints darker than their surroundings:
Options (11)
KeypointStrength (1)
Masking (1)
Method (8)
By default, "SURF" keypoints are computed:
Compute and visualize a different keypoint:
"FAST" and "AGAST" keypoints are defined by their location and strength at scale 3.5:
Compute and visualize FAST keypoints:
Compute and visualize AGAST keypoints:
"BRISK" and "ORB" keypoints are defined by their location, scale, orientation and strength:
Descriptors are vectors of 0s and 1s of length 512 for "BRISK" and 256 for "ORB":
"AKAZE" and "KAZE" keypoints are defined by their location, scale, orientation and strength:
AKAZE descriptors are vectors of 0s and 1s of length 480:
KAZE descriptors are vectors of 128 real numbers with unit norm:
AKAZE oriented descriptors are computed without correcting for keypoints' intrinsic orientation:
Oriented descriptors match descriptors for keypoints with orientation close to 0:
With the "SURF" method, a keypoint is defined by its location, scale, orientation, contrast sign and strength:
SURF descriptors consist of vectors of 64 real numbers with unit norm:
Oriented descriptors match descriptors for keypoints with orientation close to 0:
The "SIFT" method uses Scale-Invariant Feature Transform to find the location of image keypoints:
The descriptors use histograms of orientations to construct vectors of 128 numbers:
Note that the norm of the descriptor is not equal to one:
The "RootSIFT" method uses the same keypoints locations as "SIFT", but improved descriptors:
Applications (5)
Visualize SURF keypoints using their scale, orientation and contrast:
Extract local patches of fixed size around detected keypoints:
Extract patches of size proportional to the scale of keypoints:
Use keypoints to crop an image to keep the main features:
Create thumbnails of uniform size:
Object recognition using "bag of words" on a dataset of 5,000 images 32×32 each, belonging to 10 categories:
Compute keypoint descriptors on 256×256 images and create the codebook of visual words:
The codebook contains all image descriptors of length 64:
Find 100 visual codewords using -means clustering:
Image features are defined as the normalized counts of all the codewords:
Properties & Relations (7)
Not all properties are supported for all methods:
Missing["NotAvailable"] is returned when a property is not available with the specified method:
"FAST" method does not find contrast sign:
"BRISK" method does not compute oriented descriptors:
"SURF" and "KAZE" descriptors are typically compared using the Euclidean distance:
Distances between the strongest keypoint and each of the next 10 strongest:
"AKAZE", "BRISK" and "ORB" descriptors are typically compared using the Hamming distance:
Distances between the strongest keypoint and each of the next 10 strongest:
Cluster the keypoints based on their descriptors:
ImageCorners may be used as keypoints:
Computer corners using radius 3.5 for similarity to the scale of some keypoint detectors:
Use CornerFilter to get the strength of detected corners:
ImageCorrespondingPoints gives the locations for keypoints that have matching descriptors:
Compute keypoints on both images:
Take two keypoints with and without a corresponding point in the second image:
Compute all distances between descriptors for these keypoint to all keypoints in the second image:
The second-to-nearest ratio is typically used to decide whether a keypoint has a corresponding point:
The keypoint with a correspondence is red; the other one is yellow:
Wolfram Research (2010), ImageKeypoints, Wolfram Language function, (updated 2025).
Wolfram Language. 2010. "ImageKeypoints." Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Wolfram Research. Last Modified 2025.
Wolfram Language. (2010). ImageKeypoints. Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Retrieved from