gives 1 if e1<e2, -1 if e1>e2, 0 if e1 and e2 are numerically the same, and orders by type or using canonical order if e1 and e2 are not numerically comparable.
- NumericalOrder provides a general alternative to canonical order in which numeric expressions, dates and Quantity objects are treated by value.
- Numeric expressions are sorted by real part first, and by absolute value of the imaginary part if the real parts coincide.
- Quantity expressions with compatible units are compared to each other by magnitude after converting them to a common unit.
- DateObject expressions are compared to each other by AbsoluteTime.
- TimeObject expressions are compared to each other by AbsoluteTime.
- If e1 and e2 are both numerical but cannot be compared, they will be sorted in the order numeric expressions, quantities, dates and times.
- Numerical expressions always precede non-numerical ones.
- If neither e1 nor e2 has a numerical value, NumericalOrder[e1,e2] is the same as Order[e1,e2].
- NumericalOrder compares inexact numbers using all available significant digits. Unlike Equal, it does not allow any extra tolerance.
- NumericalOrder can be used as an ordering function in functions like Sort, OrderedQ or Ordering.
open allclose allBasic Examples (4)
Scope (6)
Compare any two numeric expressions:
-∞ comes before any real-valued expression:
∞ comes after any real-valued expression:
Complex valued expressions are ordered first by the real part:
When the real part is numerically the same, they are ordered by the absolute value of the imaginary part:
Compare quantities of compatible units:
The comparison is performed by converting into a common unit:
DateObject expressions are ordered by AbsoluteTime:
Use NumericalOrder as ordering function:
Sort using the ordering permutation:
The resulting list is not ordered in canonical order, but it is ordered in numerical order:
Properties & Relations (8)
For numeric expressions of different value, NumericalOrder compares them using those values:
Order always compares expressions structurally and may give different results:
Like Order, NumericalOrder is an antisymmetric function of expressions: NumericalOrder[e1,e2]==-NumericalOrder[e2,e1]:
Unlike Order, NumericalOrder[e1,e2] may return zero for non-identical e1, e2:
For comparable expressions e1, e2 a result NumericalOrder[e1,e2]0 implies e1-e2==0:
NumericalOrder compares inexact numbers using all available significant digits:
For machine-precision numbers, Less, Equal, Greater, etc. use 7 bits of tolerance:
Inexact numbers with any other precision are compared up to that precision:
NumericalOrder compares complex values by the real part and then by absolute value of the imaginary part:
This is consistent with Order for numbers:
Less, LessEqual and related functions cannot compare complex numbers:
Equivalent quantities have a NumericalOrder of 0:
The canonical order distinguishes between the two representations:
Use Equal to show that they are indeed equivalent quantities:
For non-numerical expressions e1, e2, NumericalOrder coincides with Order:
Possible Issues (1)
Sorting with NumericalOrder will not guarantee a particular ordering for different representations of the same number:
This does not give the same result for a permutation of the list:
The canonical order will rearrange in a definite way:
A stricter order can be defined by using Order to resolve cases where NumericalOrder gives 0:
Wolfram Research (2017), NumericalOrder, Wolfram Language function,
Wolfram Language. 2017. "NumericalOrder." Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Wolfram Research.
Wolfram Language. (2017). NumericalOrder. Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Retrieved from