detects objects of interest in video and tracks them over video frames.
corresponds to and tracks objects, assuming they are from video frames.
uses detector to find objects of interest in the input.
- VideoObjectTracking, also known as object tracking, tracks unique objects in frames of a video, if possible trying to handle occlusions. Tracked objects are also known as tracklets.
- Tracking could automatically detect objects in frames or be performed on a precomputed set of objects.
- The result is as an association with time keys and a list of tracked objects.
- Possible settings for objects and their corresponding outputs are:
{{pos11,pos12,…},…} tracking points as kposij {{bbox11,bbox12,…},…} tracking boxes as kbboxij {label1{bbox11,bbox12,…},…,…} tracking boxes as {labeli,j}bbox {lmat1,…} relabeling segments in label matrices lmati {t1obj1,…} a list of times and objects - By default, objects are detected using ImageBoundingBoxes. Possible settings for detector include:
f a detector function that returns supported objects "concept" named concept, as used in "Concept" entities "word" English word, as used in WordData wordspec word sense specification, as used in WordData Entity[…] any appropriate entity category1category2… any of the categoryi - Using VideoObjectTracking[{image1,image2,…}] is similar to tracking objects across frames of a video.
- The following options can be given:
Method Automatic tracking method to use TargetDevice Automatic the target device on which to perform detection - The possible values for the Method option are:
"OCSort" observation-centric SORT (simple, online, real-time) tracking; predicts object trajectories using Kalman estimators "RunningBuffer" offline method, associates objects by comparing a buffer of frames - When tracking label matrices, occlusions are not handled. They can be tracked with Method"RunningBuffer".
- With Method->{"OCSort",subopt}, the following suboptions can be specified:
"IOUThreshold" 0.2 intersection over union threshold between bounding boxes "OcclusionThreshold" 8 number of frames for which history of a tracklet is maintained before expiration "OCMWeight" 0.2 observation-centric motion weight that accounts for the directionality of moving bounding boxes "ORUHistory" 3 length of tracklet history to step back for tracklet re-update - With Method->{"RunningBuffer",subopt}, the following suboptions can be specified:
"MaxCentroidDistance" Automatic maximum distance between the centroids for adjacent frames "OcclusionThreshold" 8 number of frames for which the history of a tracklet is maintained before expiration - Additional "RunningBuffer" suboptions to specify the contribution to the cost matrix are:
"CentroidWeight" 0.5 centroid distance between components or bounding boxes "OverlapWeight" 1 overlap of components or bounding boxes "SizeWeight" Automatic size of components or bounding boxes
打开所有单元关闭所有单元Scope (5)
Objects (3)
Applications (10)
Basic Uses (2)
Detect and track objects in a video:
Highlight objects on the video; notice all are labeled with their detected classes:
Highlight tracked detected objects with their corresponding indices:
Track labeled components from matrices:
Define a segmentation function that works on each frame:
Segment frames and show the individual components:
Track the components across frames and show tracked components:
Count Objects (3)
Extract Tracked Objects (1)
Visualize Motion Trajectories (1)
Wolfram Research (2025),VideoObjectTracking,Wolfram 语言函数,
Wolfram 语言. 2025. "VideoObjectTracking." Wolfram 语言与系统参考资料中心. Wolfram Research.
Wolfram 语言. (2025). VideoObjectTracking. Wolfram 语言与系统参考资料中心. 追溯自 年