MLOpenString (C Function)
MLOpenString has been replaced by WSOpenString.

- MLInitialize() must be called before MLOpenString.
- MLOpenString() takes a single string instead of the
array used by MLOpenArgcArgv().
- Arguments in the string are separated by spaces.
- On some computer systems, giving NULL in place of the string pointer will cause arguments to be requested interactively, typically through a dialog box.
- MLOpenString() is declared in the MathLink header file mathlink.h.
Basic Examples (1)
#include "mathlink.h"
int main()
MLENV env;
MLINK link;
int error;
env = MLInitialize((MLEnvironmentParameter)0);
if(env == (MLENV)0)
{ /* unable to initialize MathLink environment */ }
link = MLOpenString(env, "/usr/local/bin/math -mathlink", &error);
if(link == (MLINK)0 || error != MLEOK)
{ /* unable to create link to the Kernel */ }
/* ... */
return 0;