MLReleaseLinkProtocolNames (C Function)

MLReleaseLinkProtocolNames has been replaced by WSReleaseLinkProtocolNames.

void MLReleaseLinkProtocolNames( MLENV env , char ** n , int l )

releases memory allocated by MLGetAvailableLinkProtocolNames() to store the link protocol names in n and the length of the list in l.



Basic Examples  (1)

#include "mathlink.h"

/* A function for retrieving the available link protocols */

void f(MLENV env)
    const char **protocols;
    int length;
    int apiResult;

    apiResult = MLGetAvailableLinkProtocolNames(env, &protocols, &length);
    if(apiResult != 0)
    { /* Unable to get list of protocols from environment */ }

    /* ... */

    MLReleaseLinkProtocolNames(env, protocols, length);