WSGetDomainNameList (C Function)
char ** WSGetDomainNameList(WSENV env, unsigned long *s)
returns a list of ASCII strings containing the domain names available on the machine and the length of the list in s.

- WSGetDomainNameList() loads the DNS domain names for each active network interface available on the machine.
- WSGetDomainNameList() allocates memory to store the domain names that must be released. To release the memory allocated by WSGetDomainNameList(), call WSReleaseDomainNameList() on the list returned by WSGetDomainNameList().
- WSGetDomainNameList() returns NULL on failure.
- WSGetDomainNameList() is declared in the WSTP header file wstp.h.
Basic Examples (1)
#include "wstp.h"
/* A function that reads the domain names available on a machine */
void f(WSENV env)
char **theList = NULL;
char *tmp;
unsigned long length;
theList = WSGetDomainNameList(env, &length);
if(length > 0 && theList != (char **)0)
while((tmp = *theList++) != (char *)0)
/* ... */
WSReleaseDomainNameList(env, theList, length);