WSLogStreamToFile (C Function)
int WSLLogStreamToFile ( WSLINK l , const char * f )
turns on logging of the WSTP connection specified by l and logs the contents of the stream to the file specified in f.

- The user must have permission to write to the file specified in f.
- You can send the log of the same stream to more than one file. Call WSLogStreamToFile() again with a different file name to log to another file.
- Do not call WSLogStreamToFile() prior to calling WSActivate() or WSConnect().
- WSLogStreamToFile() returns 0 on failure and a nonzero value on success.
- WSLogStreamToFile() is declared in the WSTP header file wstp.h.
Basic Examples (1)
#include "wstp.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv)
WSENV env;
WSLINK link;
int error;
int apiResult;
const char *fileName;
env = WSInitialize((WSEnvironmentParameter)0);
if(env == (WSENV)0)
{ /* Unable to create WSTP environment object */ }
link = WSOpenArgcArgv(env, argc, argv, &error);
if(link == (WSLINK)0 || error != WSEOK)
{ /* Unable to create link object */ }
/* ... */
apiResult = WSLogFileNameForLink(link, &fileName);
if(! apiResult)
{ /* Unable to generate log file name */ }
apiReuslt = WSLogStreamToFile(link, fileName);
if(! apiResult)
{ /* Unable to log stream to file */ }
WSReleaseLogFileNameForLink(link, fileName);
/* ... */