WSTransferExpression (C 函数)

int WSTransferExpression(WSLINK dst,WSLINK src)

从源链接 src 中传递一个表达式到目标链接 dst.


  • dstsrc 不必是不同的.
  • dstsrc 可以是回环或普通的链接.
  • 若发生错误,则 WSTransferExpression() 返回0;若函数成功,则返回非零值.
  • WSTransferExpression() 常用于从链接中读取一个表达式以便于把它存在回环链接中.
  • 对于 dst WSTransferExpression() 传递了 (WSLINK)0 ,src 上的表达式被忽略.
  • WSTransferExpression() 在 WSTP 头文件 wstp.h 中声明.


基本范例  (1)

#include "wstp.h"

/* transfer an expression to link 2 from loopback link 1 */

void f(WSLINK lp2, WSLINK lp1)
    /* send EvaluatePacket[ToExpression[str]] to lp1 */
if(! WSPutFunction(lp1, "EvaluatePacket", 1))
        { /* unable to put function to lp1 */ }

    if(! WSPutFunction(lp1, "ToExpression", 1))
        { /* unable to put function to lp1 */ }

    if(! WSPutString(lp1, "a = Table[RandomInteger[2,12]];"))
        { /* unable to put the string to lp1 */ }

    if(! WSEndPacket(lp1))
        { /* unable to put the end-of-packet indicator to lp1 */ }

    if(! WSFlush(lp1))
        { /* unable to put flush any outgoing data buffered in lp1 */ }

/* now transfer to lp2 from lp1 */
    if(! WSTransferExpression(lp2, lp1))
        { /* unable to transfer an expression from lp1 to lp2 */ }