Modelica CombiTimeTable
Background & Context

- Modelica CombiTimeTable ASCII format data files.
- File format used by Modelica.
- Exported files can be read by Modelica component "Modelica.Blocks.Sources.CombiTimeTable".
Import & Export

- See the following reference pages for full general information:
Import, Export import from or export to a file CloudImport, CloudExport import from or export to a cloud object ImportString, ExportString import from or export to a string ImportByteArray, ExportByteArray import from or export to a byte array
Import Elements

- General Import elements:
"Elements" list of elements and options available in this file "Summary" summary of the file "Rules" list of rules for all available elements - Import element:
"MCTT" list of rules with {"n1"->datai,…} - Export data formats:
{{"n1",{{t1,v1},…}},…} time-value pairs {ti,vi} for variable names "ni" {{"n1",{v1,…}},…} values vi for variable names "ni" {{"n1",ts1},…} TimeSeries tsi for variable names "ni" {{"n1",f1},…} samples of functions fi

- Option for exporting values {v1,…}:
SamplingPeriod 1 distance between samples - Options for exporting sampled functions fi:
SamplingPeriod Automatic distance between samples "StartTime" 0 start time for sampling "StopTime" Automatic stop time for sampling
open allclose allBasic Examples (3)
Scope (4)
Do automatic sampling of a function:
Export samples without explicit time points:
Tables with signals in multiple dimensions are supported:
Import data as TimeSeries:
Export Options (1)
Use SamplingPeriod to sample a function at regular intervals:
Properties & Relations (1)
Use CreateDataSystemModel to create a SystemModel from data: