Cell ▶ Cell Tags ▶ Add/Remove Cell Tags...
Add/Remove Cell Tags
opens a dialog box that allows you to add or remove cell tags associated with the selected cell(s).

- Cell tags are used to find single cells or classes of cells. For example, all title cells could be given the tag Title, and all cells related to a particular subject could be given a cell tag identifying that subject.
- To add a new cell tag to the selected cell or cells, type a word in the Cell Tag text box, then click Add. You can add or remove multiple cell tags at once. Separate multiple cell tags with commas.
- The Wolfram System attaches the specified cell tag to each of the selected cells. The cell tags are not visible unless Cell ▶ Cell Tags ▶ Show Cell Tags is checked.
- All cell tags defined in a particular notebook are visible in Cell ▶ Cell Tags ▶ Find Cell Tag. You can use this list to find cells according to their cell tags.
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