File ▶ Printing Settings ▶ Headers and Footers...
Headers and Footers
sets options for printing a notebook.

- When you open this dialog box and click OK, printouts of the current notebook will have headers and footers added according to the specified settings:
Starting page number set the number for the first page of the notebook No header on first page print first page without a header No footer on first page print first page without a footer Left and right pages toggle header/footer options Put first page on the: specify left/right header and footer on first page Left page header center copyright header on the left page Right page header center copyright header on the right page Left page footer center copyright footer on the left page Right page footer center copyright footer on the right page Left aligned: print against left page margin of the header/footer Centered: print in the center of the header/footer Right aligned: print against right page margin of the header/footer Include line insert rule below selected header/above selected footer - The Wolfram System saves these settings from the dialog with the notebook so it will be printed the same way in the future.
- The text displayed in the dialog's fields is typically a Cell expression. You can use Cell ▶ Show Expression to see the expression corresponding to a cell in a notebook.
- The following are some useful Cell expressions to use as headers or footers:
- Cell[TextData[{CounterBox[ "Page"]}],"PageNumber"] defines a cell with the automatic numbering object "Page" using the cell style "PageNumber". The appropriate page number replaces CounterBox["Page"] and is incremented for each printed page.
- Cell[TextData[{"FileName"}],"PageHeader"] inserts the value display object "FileName" using the cell style "PageHeader". The notebook's file name, a string, replaces TextData[{"FileName"}]. This object can be replaced by an arbitrary string. Use the value None to use a blank entry in a text field of the header or footer.