"Example" (Resource Object Type)
- There are standard ResourceObject properties common to all resource types. Additionally, each resource type defines additional special properties.
- Commonly used standard ResourceObject properties for example resources include:
"ExampleNotebook" notebook containing only the example "DefinitionNotebook" notebook defining the example and metadata - Properties used for sorting example resources include:
"Categories" domains corresponding to the example
Using an Example Resource
- The example is accessed with ResourceObject["Example""name"]["ExampleNotebook"].
- Properties can be accessed using ResourceObject[…]["prop"].
Creating an Example Resource
- To create an example resource with complete metadata, use the definition notebook available with CreateNotebook["ExampleResource"].
- Using the definition notebook, the resource can also be stored locally, deployed to the cloud or submitted for publication in the Wolfram Example Repository.
Publishing in the Example Repository
- Example resources can be published in the Wolfram Example Repository.
- Submission to the example repository requires a PublisherID.
- Publication requires approval from a review team and typically involves modifications.