Formatting Options
Font Options
• FontFamily is an option for characters that determines the font family in which text is displayed.
• Publicon will combine settings for FontFamily, FontWeight, FontSlant, FontTracking, and sometimes FontSize to construct a complete name for the font you want. It will then use this name, together with any settings you have specified for FontPostScriptName and FontNativeName, to try to locate an appropriate font on your particular computer system.
• When generating PostScript output on a printer or otherwise, settings you give for FontPostScriptName are typically given precedence over other font specifications.
• Publicon will try making replacements for the font family name that you specify with the option FontSubstitutions.
• Publicon by default uses heuristics such as translating "Helvetica" to "Geneva" for appropriate computer systems.
• See also: FontWeight, FontSlant, FontTracking, FontColor, and FontSubstitutions.