Formatting Options
Font Options
• "Underline" is an option for characters that determines if text should be underlined.
• The default setting is "Underline"
• This option can also be set using the Format
Face menu command.
• "Outline" is an option for characters that determines if text is displayed with an outline around each character.
• The default setting is "Outline"
• This option can also be set using the Format
Face menu command. It does not work on all systems or with all fonts.
• "Shadow" is an option for characters that determines if text is displayed with a dark shadow behind each character.
• The default setting is "Shadow"
• This option can also be set using the Format
Face menu command. It does not work on all systems or with all fonts.
• "StrikeThrough" is an option for characters that determines if text is displayed with a horizontal line drawn through each character.
• The default setting is "StrikeThrough"
• "Masked" is an option for characters that determines if text is hidden by replacing each character with an asterisk.
• This option is useful, for example, in an interface requiring a user password, so that passwords typed by a user are not displayed on the screen.
• The default setting is "Masked"
• "CompatibilityType" is an option for characters that determines if text is displayed in the subscript or superscript position, instead of at the normal height.
• This option is included to maintain consistency with Version 2.2, which did not support two-dimensional editing. The use of this option is discouraged in new notebooks. In Version 3 and later you can place text in the subscript or superscript position directly using keyboard editing commands.
• With the setting "CompatibilityType"
Superscript, the specified text is raised to the superscript position.
• With the setting "CompatibilityType"
Subscript, the specified text is lowered to the subscript position.
• With the default setting "CompatibilityType"
Normal, text is positioned at its normal height above the baseline of the cell.
• "RotationAngle" is an option for characters that determines the angle at which a character is oriented with respect to the baseline of the surrounding text. (Windows only.)
• With the default setting, "RotationAngle"
Normal, the baseline of a character coincides with the baseline of the surrounding text.