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Publicon® (2004)

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SpellingOptions is a group of global options that control the criteria used in performing a spelling check.


• "AlwaysStop" is an option for cells that specifies criteria for stopping a spelling check.

• "AlwaysStop" is specified as a list of conditions to be tested. If a word being tested satisfies any of the conditions, the spelling check stops at that word.
• This option allows you to generalize a spelling check to search for errors other than ordinary spelling errors. The default setting is "AlwaysStop" Rule {"UncapitalizedStartOfSentence", "RepeatedWords"}.
• Possible settings are as follows.
"WordsInAllCaps" "WordsWithNumbers"
"SingleCharacterWords"         "Numbers"
"CaseDifferences" "EncliticForms"
"RepeatedWords" "HyphenatedWords"
"RomanNumerals" "WordsWithUnderscores"
"AlternateSpellings" "WordsWithInternalCapitals"


• "AlwaysSkip" is an option for cells that specifies criteria for skipping words during a spelling check.

• "AlwaysSkip" is specified as a list of conditions to be tested. If a word being tested satisfies any of the conditions, the spell checker skips that word.
• The settings for"AlwaysStop" override those for "AlwaysSkip" if the same condition is specified for both options.
• This option allows you to customize a spelling check to ignore certain types of words.
• Possible settings are as follows.
"WordsInAllCaps" "WordsWithNumbers"
"SingleCharacterWords"         "Numbers"
"CaseDifferences" "EncliticForms"
"RepeatedWords" "HyphenatedWords"
"RomanNumerals" "WordsWithUnderscores"
"AlternateSpellings" "WordsWithInternalCapitals"
• The default setting is "AlwaysSkip" Rule {"SingleCharacterWords", "Numbers", "WordsWithNumbers", "WordsInAllCaps"}.


• "WordSplitting" is an option for cells that determines if compound words of a given type should be split up before being tested by the spelling checker.

• When the spelling checker encounters a compound word of a type specified in "WordSplitting", it splits the word and tests each of its component words separately. The default setting is "WordSplitting" Rule {"Hyphen", "Underscore", "InternalCapitals"}.
• With the setting "WordSplitting" Rule "All", the spell checker will attempt to split up compound words even if they are not internally capitalized or hyphenated or have no underscore. For example, "shortstop" could be tested as "short" and "stop".

• See also: Check Spelling....