Formatting Options
Text Layout Options
• LineSpacing is an option for cells that determines the spacing between successive lines of text.
• LineSpacing
{c, 0} leaves space so that the total height of each line is c times the height of its contents.
• LineSpacing
{0, n} makes the total height of each line exactly n printer's points.
• LineSpacing
{c, n} makes the total height c times the height of the contents plus n printer's points.
• A typical default setting is LineSpacing
{1, 1}, which leaves space for the contents of the line and adds 1 printer's point (
of an inch) of extra space.
• LineSpacing
{2, 0} makes text double spaced.
• LineSpacing
1, -n
tightens text by n printer's points.
• LineSpacing applies both to ordinary text and Publicon expressions.
• In ordinary text, LineSpacing determines the spacing between lines produced by automatic line breaks. For lines produced by explicit
characters, ParagraphSpacing is added.
• In Publicon expressions, LineSpacing is used if lines are produced by automatic line breaks or by explicit
• Extra space specified by LineSpacing is inserted equally above and below a line, except that no extra space is inserted before the first line or after the last line of an expression or cell.
• See also: FontSize, ParagraphSpacing.