• ParagraphSpacing is an option for cells that determines how much extra space to leave between successive paragraphs of text.
• ParagraphSpacing {c,0} leaves an extra space of c times the height of the font in the paragraph. • ParagraphSpacing {0,n} leaves an extra space of exactly n printer's points, where 72 points equal one inch. • ParagraphSpacing {c,n} leaves an extra space of c times the height of the font plus n printer's points. • Paragraph breaks occur whenever an explicit character appears in a block of text. • ParagraphSpacing is added to LineSpacing to determine spacing between paragraphs. • A typical default setting is ParagraphSpacing{0,0}. • ParagraphSpacing applies only to ordinary text, not Publicon expressions. • Extra space specified by ParagraphSpacing is inserted before the first line of each paragraph. No extra space is inserted if the paragraph is at the beginning of a cell or a string. • See also: LineSpacing, ParagraphIndent.