Global Options
Data Import/Export Options
OpenSpecialOptions is a group of global options that specify the settings used in importing files via the File
Open Special... command. It consists of the following suboptions.
• "ReadingType" is a global option that determines how the contents of a notebook being imported are handled.
• With the default setting "ReadingType"
IgnoreFileOutlineCache, Publicon disregards the file cache that contains information about the number, style, and position of all cells in a notebook.
• Other possible settings for "ReadingType" are as follows.
AllInOneCell The contents of the file are placed in a single cell.
NewCellAtEveryLine A new cell is created at every new line.
NewCellAtEveryBlankLine A new cell is created at every blank line.
NewCellAtEveryTwoBlankLines A new cell is created at every two blank lines.
ExtractSystemResources This setting (for Macintosh only) causes resources
such as text, PICT, sound, and QuickTime files that
are included in the resource fork to be imported along
with the file.
• "CharacterEncoding" is a global option that determines the encoding used when reading an imported file.
• The front end searches all directories specified by the option CharacterEncodingPath to locate a character encoding file. The default location for character encoding files is $TopDirectory/SystemFiles/CharacterEncodings.
See also: CharacterEncodingsPath.
• With the default setting "CharacterEncoding"
$SystemCharacterEncoding, the default character encoding file for the platform is used.
• Other possible settings for "CharacterEncoding" include ASCII, AdobeStandard, MacintoshRoman, Unicode, Symbol, ZapfDingbats, or any of the various ISO encoding systems.
• "ListAllFileTypes" is a global option that determines if the Open dialog box, accessed from the File
Open Special... command, displays all files in the selected directory or only those that are readable by Publicon.
• With the default setting "ListAllFileTypes"
False, only those files in the current directory that can be read by Publicon are listed in the dialog box.
• With the setting "ListAllFileTypes"
True, all files present in the current directory are listed.