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Publicon® (2004)

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Documentation  / Publicon  / Reference  / Preferences  / Global Options  / Dialog Settings  /


GridCreationSettings is a group of global options that stores the settings associated with the "Create Table/Matrix/Palette" dialog box. This dialog box appears when you click the Input RightTriangle Create Table/Matrix/Palette.... GridCreationSettings consists of the following suboptions.


• "Rows" is a global option that determines the number of rows that a newly created table, matrix, or palette will have.

• This option is typically set using Input RightTriangle Palette.
• "Rows" can be set to any integer value greater than or equal to zero.
• With the default setting "Rows" Rule 3, any newly created table, matrix, or palette has three rows.
• See also:


• "Columns" is a global option that determines the number of columns that a newly created table, matrix, or palette will have.

• This option is typically set using Input RightTriangle Palette.
• "Columns" can be set to any integer value greater than or equal to zero.
• With the default setting "Columns" Rule 3, any newly created table, matrix, or palette has three columns.
• See also:


• "DrawRowLines" is a global option that determines if lines are drawn between adjacent rows of a table, matrix, or palette.

• With the default setting "DrawRowLines" Rule False, no lines are drawn between rows.
• With the setting "DrawRowLines" Rule True, a line is drawn between any two adjacent rows of the grid box.
• "DrawRowLines" only controls the display of lines indirectly by specifying if a newly created grid box includes separate options for drawing lines. GridBox options directly control whether or not lines are drawn.
• See also:


• DrawColumnLines is a global option that determines if lines are drawn between adjacent columns of a table, matrix, or palette.

• With the default setting "DrawColumnLines" Rule False, no lines are drawn between columns.
• With the setting "DrawColumnLines" Rule True, a line is drawn between any two adjacent columns of the grid box.
• "DrawColumnLines" only controls the display of lines indirectly, by specifying if a newly created grid box includes separate options for drawing lines. GridBox options directly control whether or not lines are drawn.
• See also:


• "DrawFrame" is a global option that determines if a frame is drawn around a table, matrix, or palette.

• With the default setting "DrawFrame" Rule False, the grid box is drawn without a frame.
• With the setting "DrawFrame" Rule True, the grid box is enclosed by a frame.
• "DrawFrame" only controls the display of a frame indirectly, by specifying if a newly created grid box includes a separate option for drawing a frame. GridBox options directly control whether or not a frame is drawn.
• See also:


• "Type" is a global option that determines if a grid box created via the dialog box is a table, matrix, or palette.

• The three possible settings for Type are PlainGridBox, Matrix, and Palette. A plain grid box is a simple rectangular grid of elements; a matrix is a table that is enclosed in parentheses; and a palette is a rectangular array of buttons.
• See also:


• "Fill" is a global option that determines if a piece of text is automatically inserted into each element of a newly-created grid box.

• With the default setting "Fill" Rule False, a blank placeholder (Placeholder) is entered into each element of the grid box.
• With the setting "Fill" Rule True, the chosen text is automatically entered into the grid box.
• The text to be entered must be specified using the related option "FillText". It can be any string.
• See also:


• "DiagonalFill" is a global option that determines if a piece of text is automatically inserted into each diagonal element of a newly-created grid box.

• With the default setting "DiagonalFill" Rule False, a blank placeholder (Placeholder) is entered into each diagonal element of the grid box.
• With the setting "DiagonalFill" Rule True, the chosen text is automatically entered into the grid box.
• The text to be entered is specified using the related option "DiagonalFillText". It can be any string.
• See also:


• "FillText" is a global option that specifies a string to be automatically inserted into each element of a newly-created grid box.

• Its value can be any string. The default setting is "FillText" Rule "0".
• See also:


• "DiagonalFillText" is a global option that specifies a string to be automatically entered into each diagonal element of a newly-created grid box.

• The default setting is "FillDiagonalText" Rule "1".
• See also: