Global Options
Dialog Settings
NotebookStatisticsSettings is a global option that stores settings associated with the "Cell Size Statistics" dialog box. This dialog box appears when you click Cell
Cell Size Statistics.... NotebookStatisticsSettings consists of the following suboptions.
• "Domain" is a global option that determines the range of cells for which information is presented in the "CellSizeStatistics" dialog box.
• With the default setting "Domain"
"Selection", the dialog box displays statistics for the selected cells only.
• With the setting "Domain"
"Notebook", the dialog box displays statistics for all cells in the notebook.
• IncludeSharedData is a global option that determines if the displayed size of the notebook reflects data sharing, a method of optimizing memory usage.
• With the setting IncludeSharedData
True, the memory counted for each object is the memory used by that object divided by the number of times that object is shared. For example, a token that occupies 50 bytes of memory, but is shared by 5 different cells, will be counted as using 10 bytes in each cell it occurs in.
• With the setting IncludeSharedData
False, all data associated with the cells will be counted in full each time it occurs. This means the amount displayed may be larger than the actual amount of memory in use, because the same data may be used in more than one location.
• In general, it is not possible to define a "correct" way of measuring memory use when data is being shared: which definition is more useful depends on the situation.
• "WindowMargins" is a global option that determines the size of margins around the "Cell Size Statistics" dialog box.
• "WindowMargins"
{{left, right}, {bottom, top}} determines the distances from each edge of your screen to each edge of the window.
• The values of left, right, bottom, and top are given in points, where 72 points equal one inch.
• Negative values of left, right, bottom, and top represent edges that are off the screen.