ChemicalTankReactorA continuously stirred tank reactor model. Bundled Mathematica Notebook develops an optimal control strategy. |
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Find an optimal control signal for a continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR). The temperature in the tank influences a reaction rate, while the temperature in the cooling jacket acts as a control signal. The goal is to go from one concentration to another as quickly as possible, while obeying safety limitations in temperature.
Using Mathematica, find an optimal control signal for the cooling temperature to go from one concentration to another.
Mathematica also makes it easy to create an interactive interface to see how the system reacts for different signals with simple drag and drop.
In order to get the full experience of this example, you need a desktop Wolfram Language product. A free trial download is available at www.wolfram.com/mathematica/trial/
For the full example, open the accompanying notebook ChemicalTankReactor.nb.
F0 |
Value: 100 / 1000 / 60 Type: VolumeFlowRate (m³/s) Description: Inflow |
c0 |
Value: 1000 Type: Concentration (mol/m³) Description: Concentration of inflow |
F |
Value: 100 / 1000 / 60 Type: VolumeFlowRate (m³/s) Description: Outflow |
T0 |
Value: 350 Type: Temperature (K) Description: Temperature of inflow |
r |
Value: 0.219 Type: Length (m) Description: Reactor radius |
k0 |
Value: 72000000000.0 / 60 Type: Real Description: Reaction rate coefficient |
EdivR |
Value: 8750 Type: Real Description: Reaction activation energy |
U |
Value: 915.6 Type: Real Description: Reactor internal energy |
rho |
Value: 1000 Type: Density (kg/m³) Description: Reactor fluid density |
Cp |
Value: 0.239 * 1000 Type: Real Description: Molar heat capacity |
dH |
Value: -50000.0 Type: Real Description: Reaction heat |
V |
Value: 100 Type: Volume (m³) Description: Reactor volume |
c_init |
Value: 1000 Type: Concentration (mol/m³) Description: Initial concentration |
T_init |
Value: 350 Type: Temperature (K) Description: Initial Reactor temperature |
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Tc |
Type: RealInput Description: Cooling temperature |