PlasticHardFerritePlastic-bonded hard ferrite, exemplary values |
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This information is part of the Modelica Standard Library maintained by the Modelica Association.
Please refer to the description of the enclosing package HardMagnetic for a description of all permanent magnetic material characteristics of this package.
H_cBRef |
Value: 130000 Type: MagneticFieldStrength (A/m) Description: Coercivity at reference temperature |
B_rRef |
Value: 0.21 Type: MagneticFluxDensity (T) Description: Remanence at reference temperature |
T_ref |
Value: 20 + 273.15 Type: Temperature (K) Description: Reference temperature |
alpha_Br |
Value: -0.002 Type: LinearTemperatureCoefficient (1/K) Description: Temperature coefficient of remanence at reference temperature |
T_op |
Value: 293.15 Type: Temperature (K) Description: Operating temperature |
B_r |
Value: B_rRef * (1 + alpha_Br * (T_op - T_ref)) Type: MagneticFluxDensity (T) Description: Remanence at operating temperature |
H_cB |
Value: H_cBRef * (1 + alpha_Br * (T_op - T_ref)) Type: MagneticFieldStrength (A/m) Description: Coercivity at operating temperature |
mu_r |
Value: B_r / (mu_0 * H_cB) Type: RelativePermeability Description: Relative permeability |