TriggeredWriteA block for writing data to items on an OPC server at intervals determined by an external Boolean signal (trigger) |
This block writes data of scalar type Integer to the OPC UA server it is connected to. Unlike the write blocks that have a parameter for setting the sample period, the triggered write blocks write data when Boolean input signal trigger has a rising edge. The block inherits the properties of the partial model TriggeredSampler. Only scalar nodes can be written to; i.e. no array or matrix nodes are supported.
At every sampling instant, external function writeExternalInteger is called from within the block.
nodeIDType |
Value: Type: UANodeIdType Description: The node identifier type |
nodeID |
Value: Type: String Description: The node identifier |
nodeNamespace |
Value: Type: Integer Description: The node namespace |
uaIntegerType |
Value: Type: UAInteger Description: OPC UA type used for writing |
useUMax |
Value: false Type: Boolean Description: If true, use upper limit for written signal |
uMax |
Value: 1 Type: Integer Description: Upper limit of written signal |
useUMin |
Value: false Type: Boolean Description: If true, use lower limit for written signal |
uMin |
Value: 0 Type: Integer Description: Lower limit of written signal |
trigger |
Type: BooleanInput Description: Boolean input that determines when sampling should occur |
serverID |
Type: BlockConnector Description: The unique ID of the server the block is connected to |
u |
Type: IntegerInput Description: 'input Integer' as connector |
OPCUA.Examples Basic example that demonstrates how to write to and read from nodes on an OPC UA server using a signal trigger |